Last night's "60 Minutes" gave some free advertising to a new...

  1. 6,351 Posts.
    Last night's "60 Minutes" gave some free advertising to a new flu vaccine that one guy said was a "game changer". He was saying that it might be an enduring (10 year?) vaccine, because it acted on the columns attached to the receptors and it's these receptors that change.

    Influenza A viruses are divided into subtypes based on two proteins on the surface of the virus: the hemagglutinin (H) and the neuraminidase (N).

    Many years ago, "60 minutes" reported on the disastrous swine flu vaccine that damaged many.

    Guillain Barre Syndrome was mentioned. Neurological damage occurred in MANY people who received the vaccine.

    If you saw last night's "60 Minutes" , maybe you can compare it to this presentation:

    Interestingly, CBS "60 MINUTES" documentary on the swine flu epidemics of 1976 in the U.S. It went on air only once and was never shown again.

    Someone commented:

    "This was when journalism was a real job and the people who worked doing it were all about exposing lies and deceptions now the people in the once wonderful field of journalism are shills.

    My comment: Keep the old 60 minutes show in mind before totally embracing the latest 60 minutes programme. Anyone who dares challenge the vaccine story gets shut down very quickly these days.

    If the regulatory health authorities do not study the inadequate testing of vaccines, the adjuvants in them, preservatives in multi-flu vaccines like thimerosal, the extra rubbish like animal viruses, fetal material, formaldehyde, Sorbolene 80, squalene, anti-freeze etc etc, they should be held accountable, especially if they start mandating vaccines.
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