Flynn and Russia joke, page-2

  1. 354 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Have you noticed how the left and the “progressives” around the world once (pre 1992) would not hear a bad word against the USSR but now are in the forefront of criticism of Russia. They have shifted support from Russia to China. What changed? What happened?

    Prior to 1992 the Left in Australia wouldn't hear a bad word said against the Soviet empire. Don't believe it? Well, check the newspapers. For just one example, from the 1940s to the 1990s any mention that the Russians were responsible for the Katyn massacre, not the Germans, was met with a fusillade of letters to the editor from the champions of the Left (even senior Labor politicians) claiming the Russians were innocent and anyone who said otherwise was a neo-Nazi apologist, or worse.But, since 1992 I have noted a 180 degree turn in the Left's attitude to Russia. Why was this so?Well, the answer isn't hard to find. Since 1992 (the breakup of the Soviet Union) the Russian Federation has made a 180 degree turn on it's attitudes to Rainbow folk. Even a brief evaluation of the relative success pre 1992 of the Soviet Union in geopolitical matters shows that it was all down to the careful manipulation of the Rainbow folk in the West. The Soviet Union sold them the idea that when the communist utopia was achieved Rainbow folk folk would have their lifestyle accepted and would find their perceived rightful place as the leaders and masters of the normals. The people whom they despise.

    OK, so you are left leaning and/or a Rainbower and you don't believe a word of this.But, a word of warning. Consider how Putin and his mates must see the next 20-30 years. Russians play chess whereas the Yanks play poker. Long term strategy versus short term gun slinging.Putin & Co. would have realised that Russia is ultimately on a collision course with China and so is the West. I bet the Chinese haven't forgotten that much of Siberia could be said to be Chinese. And the Chinese, relatively resource poor, are probably not happy having to have to buy all sorts of Siberian commodities from Russia (gas, timber, mineral products etc).The Russians are smart enough to know that the West is in decline and China is in the ascendant. I think Russia is smart enough to side with the West. After all the Russians are Europeans. But Russia has been playing games, undermining the West since Czarist days mainly with Rainbow help. But what purpose does this serve Russia now? Putin and his boys would have worked out that that the smarter heads in the USA and Europe would know that the West needs help against China and that the time for anti Russian sentiment in the West is over. Fighting Russia just helps the Chinese. Russia plus the USA plus the EU has a fighting chance.

    My feeling is that Putin & Co. have probably approached Trump with a deal. Russia gives up its agents of influence, basically gives the USA the evidence needed to convict these people. Of course the Rainbow crowd have abandoned support for Russia post 1992 so the Russians would probably think that one bad deed deserves another. A clean out of these people who now lean towards China and away from Russia from positions of power in the West would help the rapprochement between the future Russia and the future West. A solid military axis to keep the Chinese in check.You may have noted that China is injecting itself into the middle east. The Russians would know that China will probably try to position itself as a “honest broker” on ME affairs in the near future. And the Russians know that would be disastrous both for Russia and for the West. But the KGB/GRU archives would be full of ammunition that could be turned on Israel.IMHO Russia and the West will have to withdraw all support from Israel, and quickly, if they are going to have any hope of stopping the Chinese from becoming very influential in the ME and more influential in second and third world countries.
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