FYI Ore mined H1 118 Million Tonnes.aQ1 Ore mined 60.8 mt Q2 Ore...

  1. 128 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 165
    Ore mined H1 118 Million Tonnes.a
    Q1 Ore mined 60.8 mt
    Q2 Ore mined 57.2 mt

    Ore shipped H1 93.1 Million Tonnes
    Q1 Ore shipped 45.6 mt @ US$118 pt
    Q2 Ore shipped 47.5 mt @ US$74.36 pt

    Estimated dividend range $1.07 - $1.17

    It may be time to consider when looking forward, likely FMG may decide to reduce its future dividend payouts in order to fund an increase in all types of FFI expenditure.

    Looking forward to a clearer direction from the board in the Half Year presentation.
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Mkt cap ! $49.26B
Open High Low Value Volume
$15.98 $16.10 $15.87 $65.96M 4.087M

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No. Vol. Price($)
32 12745 $15.98

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Price($) Vol. No.
$15.99 2531 13
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Last trade - 14.00pm 07/03/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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