"Increase production in countries that don't have carbon taxs or...

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    "Increase production in countries that don't have carbon taxs or MRRT taxs....
    Go somewhere that does not have unionised thuggery kneecapping their operations...
    Australia not looking very attaractive atm..."

    Many sensible companies will look to expand their operations in countries where there is less sovereign risk that Australia currently has...

    These investment super-cycles change slowly once your country has been removed from a preferred investment location list, which it would seem that the Gillard/Rudd has accomplished quite successfully...

    Even when the labor/green/union-boss socialist alliance is flushed from office next year in a wave of voter disgust and fury, a double dissolution is necessary to remove the remaining green infection from disrupting and blocking the repeal and repair process that Tony Abbott must embark upon to restore confidence to the people and foreign investors...

    This initial political cleansing will likely be a multi-year process...

    Then comes the long and difficult push-back on multiple fronts against the expanded and further entrenched union-thug power-grab-rorting, the green insanity like fantasy-based carbon-dioxide taxes, and the multiple multi-billion-dollar white-elephant projects that litter our land, that will go one for many years...

    There is potentially a decade or more of repair and recovery for the incoming liberal government to get a good start at repairing the massive economic and social damage from the lost years of the failed socialist/Gillard/Rudd disaster in Australia and most companies will look on cautiously to see how we progress before making big commitments...
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