FMG Technical Analysis, page-6808

  1. 10,181 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4410
    Gold Price up so must be macro related.
    DXY USD$ flat but in a V chart intraday, so something spooked the equities at ASX close.

    So FMG got hit at close
    longer red candle now with 52c body 17c neck & 0c tail
    meaning closed at daily loaws
    and below 23.50

    so the 23.90 area prior higher high is showing resistance here
    still its way above the support piviots of 21.50 & 22.50 but still zigzagging around 21-24 since 7 Jan to now going nowhere in a sideways pattern.

    Where is the BB team with their $3B funds?! MIA.
    SHORTS in charge today and made good profits
    They await the BIG SHORT ive been mentioning, chart breaking down above 23 not a good sign.
    26.00 top I called in Jan looking very far way away for some time now.

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Mkt cap ! $50.83B
Open High Low Value Volume
$17.05 $17.06 $16.40 $233.0M 14.00M

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No. Vol. Price($)
29 185602 $16.50

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Price($) Vol. No.
$16.53 100 1
View Market Depth
Last trade - 16.10pm 28/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
FMG (ASX) Chart
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