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  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Hi Paul. I don’t believe that when it comes to the Opposition the leader needs to be overly popular. Abbott was one of the most unpopular politicians in the land but he won the 2013 election big time and that is because of the old adage that govt’s lose elections rather than Oppositions winning them.

    Shorten imo will not be under threat unless Labor sinks in the polls. Given Labor is riding high at the moment there simply is no chance of any leadership change. Its Malcolm thats currently in strife not Shorten. From what I have have gathered about Shorten he certainly is politically savvy as he saw off Rudd and Gillard and Abbott and found his way into the Opposition leaders job. He was only a whisker away from winning the recent election and won back a swag of seats.

    Shorten, strikes me as someone who doesn’t ruffle easily. Who will stare his opponents down waiting for the opportunity to demolish them. He provoked Malcolm Turnbull and resulted in an extra-ordinary tirade from the PM. I watched Shortens body language as that occurred and noted he wasn’t at all ruffled and I thought maybe its Shortens strategy to show up the PM as desperately trying to hang onto his job. He is reeling him in. I could be wrong but Turnbull is now sounding vey shrill which might go down well with the Liberal backbench but it remains to be seen how it plays out in the wider community.

    Shorten of course being in Opposition can now afford to go feral himself if he wishes, as he has an excuse now that the PM took his bait and went feral himself. He might also opt to look more Prime Ministerial than the PM and just keep plugging away on issues relevant to the voters. Shorten is in the box seat.

    The theatre will be interesting next week lol. However, it seems we are a long way from good govt and sadly as time goes by it could slip even further away.

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