A good article.... more realist than the usual mantra we read in...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    A good article.... more realist than the usual mantra we read in the LSN press.....talks very favourably about Adelaide, and western suburbs in Melb and Syd....
    you know the so called dreaded areas .....which over time, or a couple of decades can be transformed into very desirable suburbs.....but I am not ready to go there myself....I prefer the eastern suburbs, safe and easy....
    read the whole article.....
    Capital growth is, he believes, best found in the bush, set for regeneration thanks to abundant rain in many parts of eastern Australia, rising commodity prices
    (I question /disagree with the following view ie political landscape and rural indepnds))
    and the favourable political landscape, with three rural independents holding the balance of power.

    "The drought is over, towns in the Riverina, Riverland and Wimmera are set to boom after years of depressed prices, rising unemployment and poor economic conditions," he says. Places such as Toowoomba, Bundaberg, Rockhampton, Townsville, Newcastle, Goulburn, Bathurst, Geelong and Ballarat are set for good times.


    ps I note there is hardly any interest in my positive posts....versus the very popular doomsday posts....
    people prefer bad news any day....its so easy....I have tested this myself several times over the years on HC...I post a doomy gloomy post and get over 500 hits win a day...
    hahahaha....but its not real, its fantasy, surreal...
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