@Sweetsound what beautiful photos - and what a story - I believe...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 194
    @Sweetsound what beautiful photos - and what a story - I believe we are made to live in closer communication with animals - they are such precious reminders of 'living in the moment' - and their needs are so few.
    I, too, am going for little walks now - just manage about 1km per day - training for an overseas trip, which I keep changing my mind about on a daily basis, because it will simply be hard work and not much fun. It will be mostly visiting different people in 4 different countries (England, Germany, Switzerland and Austria) - and I could probably use the money in a much better way, but have a granddaughter in England, who I did see 1 year before her mother's demise - but she has now finished Cambridge and I would like to know if she recovered and what kind of human she is turning into - but i also know it will be sad in so many ways to go back to places which I only remember in connection with my dead girl. Will have to make a decision soon - as I planned the visit for middle of September.

    Pet rabbit: probably a better idea than a cat, you can keep them a little 'at bay' - my cat is becoming altogether like a small child, she as 'learnt' my ways, obeys certain commands, always says good-bye when I step out to say 'good-bye' to my visitors - I sometimes get the uncanny impression of myself as a 'witch with her cat' - my friend @NoBoDe once drew a cartoon of me on a broomstick, with a cat . . . if anything, I am a white witch -
    (but not on all threads here on HC - - - I just now resisted returning a sarcastic post on a share thread rolleyes.png)

    You sound like a good man, it's a pity you seem to have no partner - I recently made a new friend (male, but not partner) and it is amazing what it does for our mood etc. to find someone to share some mental union with, jokes, stories, but, I guess, he is a one-off. He is also a great singer and interested in all things music.

    Dear @Sweetsound! keep going for those lovely walks - and keep posting music, writing . . .

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