for the flat earthers who deny climate change, page-26

  1. 13,757 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    "I do not deny climate change. It is happening. I do not see any proof that humanity has much effect. "

    That is the bottom line. The climate always changes.

    Perhaps 'we' need another blow off top!!

    1883 volcano eruption's legacy is cooler planet

    Keay Davidson, Chronicle Science Writer
    Wednesday, August 2, 2006

    Thanks to a spectacular volcanic explosion in the late 19th century, global warming and sea-level rise over the last century haven't been quite as severe as they might have been otherwise, scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and elsewhere say.

    The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa in the Sunda Strait of Indonesia spewed so many particles into the sky that the world's sunsets turned an eerie reddish color, inspiring painters as far away as Europe. The explosion's gases and dust also blocked sunlight and cooled the planet by an average of about 1 degree well into the 20th century.

    Now the scientists have reported a surprising finding. A legacy of the explosion persists beneath the ocean surface: a vast layer of cold water chilled by the nuclear-bomb-class volcanic detonation of 1883.

    Cold water is denser than warm water, so the chilled water sank beneath the waves. According to the scientists' computer model, the cold water is still there 123 years later -- a climatic leftover from the decade when President James Garfield was assassinated and the first Sherlock Holmes story was published.

    The scientists discovered the deep-sea pocket of cold water indirectly, while modeling the long-term climatic and ocean effects of the Krakatoa blast. They will report their findings in a forthcoming issue of the scientific journal Geophysical Research Letters, the American Geophysical Union in Washington announced Tuesday.
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