for those who dont think "sorry" is about $..., page-4

  1. 149 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    re: for those who dont think I'm with ex-Senator Ryan, (WA) who maintains that most of the children removed and fostered out were the better for it.

    At the very least no one has any proof to the contrary.

    Therefore, why not charge them $50,000 each for these benefits. No that's not a serious suggestion. I think they should just consider themselves quits and forget about it.

    And while we're about it. Let's stop our language being hijacked. I was around at the time and most of Australia was well aware of what was happening and why. But I don't remember anyone complaining or using the word "stolen" then. We were told that children of mixed race who were being neglected were being rescued by welfare agencies and fostered out for their own good. Not a voice was was raised in protest, aboriginal white or any other kind.

    I was fostered out at the age of three or four (I can't remember) to people who belted me black and blue every day. I am not expecting anyone to pay me $50,000. I'm not that mercenery. I also have some pride and want to get on with my life and shape it myself. Anyway I'm white so I don't have any automatic entitlements to extraordinary goodies at the expense of my fellow Australians, nor do I suffer under the yoke of a hand-out mentality .


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