for towie..

  1. 1,263 Posts.
    Hey Towie, I rememeber you used to post about how this company was undervalued as it had all this capex and was making a profit. I can find it on earlier posts if you like.

    When questioned where you have read that, you said NCA may not be making a profit, but was cashflow positive.

    After pressing for a while where you got your source for that as I spent alot of time looking for it, you said a director told you and for me to ring him up myself if I didnt believe you.

    With that as a background, how do you explain the story today from earlier posts where it says :

    "The company is also not even close to making a profit- sorces say it could be 12 to 18 months before it turns cashflow positive-reporting a loss of $23.9million for the 12 months to June 30, 2003, and revenue of $3.1million."

    Did you make up the cashflow positive thing and think nooone would bother to check it, or did a director mislead you?

    If that is true, can they sustain that sort of born as I doubt they will be able to raise any more capital. And if they cant, you know what that means.

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