Drunk,Other than you cant spell 'Yellowcake', you have no...

  1. 7,089 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 74
    Other than you cant spell 'Yellowcake', you have no comprehension of the real world.

    "...they say hollands rock but i have never heard of the town have you."... so we are talking about one town?

    "...but do you think its right fot the girls working there to go to jail becuase of a few greedy farmers. i certainly dont i reckon its a disgrace."... Most of these 'girls' will be farmers daughters...

    "...are the overseas buyers going to buy your grain if this is whats going on in wa . you are shiteting in your own nest."... So it is Yellowcake doing it now...

    "...any way you do not deserve a good price for your grain if this is going on at all your grain sites i hope the buyers tell you all to get stuffed.. its illegal to bribe people. and young girls at that." .... People like you are typically the ones happy to stitch up food providers and then complain about... cost of food, imports, paying taxes to get farmers off the land...

    "...no one makes farmers be farmers . if its to hard or no money in it go do some thing else."... now your lack of thought before shooting your mouth of is really irritating me... Are you going to 1) pay for it, 2) Have the b*lls to go and tell people that they are not required any more?

    "...i did not say we should not have farmers i said the ones who reckon its to hard or cant make make o dollar get out.theres plenty of good farmers around let them do it."... Oh; your mouth got in front of your head again huh!

    "...well bribery has happened and wait till the media get hold of it . what damage is that going to do to your industry."... yep and what is the impact going to be on you... coz there will be one... and you will scream.

    The grains industry is compromised by governments and corporations golbally, governments (and shareholders) have also allowed farmers to be screwed over for short term political and economic gains that will bite harder than many people can believe.
    The crunch is coming and part of it is energy, but what happens when you cant get an economical food source cheeply?... people will scream and heads will roll-- but this still does not provide food. Farmers will laugh as they can maintain subsistence level whereas metro areas will rot, and to those that dont belive it or can't/ won't see past there noses; do not expect sympathy as you have been is a pox on our society.
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