forecaster predicts end of drought

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    Forecaster predicts end of drought

    * Today Tonight
    * Reporter: Bryan Seymour
    * Broadcast Date: June 11, 2007

    The drought is over. At least it is according to long-range forecaster Ken Ring who uses a unique method to predict the weather for years ahead.

    "I am saying the drought is over, I've been saying that since before Christmas," Ken said

    Using statistics of past weather patterns, combined with his equations to track the path of the moon around the earth, Ken is running circles around traditional meteorology and defying the sceptics.

    "What's going on are these big 36 to 38 year cycles that the weather obeys," he said.

    The most important part of weather forecasting is getting it right and Ken has an uncanny ability to predict where and when the weather will strike.

    According to Ken, here's what we are in for this year:

    * Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria all currently sit on above average rainfall, Victora will drop away next month.
    * New South Wales will follow in August.
    * Queensland will suffer below average falls in September.
    * Victoria will join the dry spell by October.
    * Then, as spring ends in November, all three states will see more strong rainfall with New South Wales due for a drenching well into summer.

    Ken also has good news for Sydney's dams, predicting levels will steadily increase.

    As for the dreaded 'D' word, Ken is already predicting the next drought period.

    "I think this is going to be a wetter than average year and I think there's going to be a few years coming which are going to be wetter than average.

    "It's then going to come dryer again about 2012," he said.

    Find out more about Ken's long-range weather forecasts Predictweather
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