Private Investors AbroadCut their Investments in U.S.By Eduardo...

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    Private Investors Abroad
    Cut their Investments in U.S.

    By Eduardo Porter
    The New York Times
    Tuesday, October 19, 2004

    The flow of foreign capital contracted in August as
    private investors lost some of their appetite for
    American stocks and bonds, underscoring the
    United States' increasing dependence on financing
    from central banks in Asia.

    The Treasury Department reported yesterday that
    net monthly capital flows from the rest of the world
    fell for the sixth time this year, declining to $59
    billion from $63 billion in July.

    Private investment from abroad fell by nearly half --
    to $37.4 billion in August from $72.9 billion the month
    before. Investors appear to be concerned over cooling
    growth and a rising American trade deficit.

    The only reason that the contraction was not more
    pronounced was that official financing, mainly from
    Asian central banks, jumped to nearly $23 billion in
    August from just over $6 billion in July.

    Washington has demanded that China end a policy
    of buying dollars to reduce the value of its currency,
    the yuan, and make its exports more competitive in
    American markets. But the new data accentuated
    how dependent the United States has become on
    purchases of dollar securities by the Chinese and
    other Asian governments with links to the dollar.

    "Foreign central banks saved the dollar from disaster,"
    said Ashraf Laidi, chief currency analyst of the MG
    Financial Group. "The stability of the bond market is
    at the mercy of Asian purchases of U.S. Treasuries."

    Net foreign purchases of United States Treasury
    bonds fell 35 percent, to roughly $14.5 billion, an
    11-month low. Foreign governments left a particularly
    large footprint in this market, stepping up their net
    purchases to about $19 billion even as private investors
    sold about $4.5 billion worth.

    Holdings of Treasury bonds by Japan, where the
    central bank has also been intervening to keep the
    value of its currency from rising, increased by $26
    billion in August, to $722 billion. Chinese official
    holdings rose more than $5 billion, to $172 billion.

    The decline in foreign investment seems to have
    unsettled some investors in the bond and currency
    markets, who have been on tenterhooks as the
    American trade deficit has soared to nearly 6
    percent of the nation's economic output, requiring
    foreign investment to finance it.

    Through the first quarter of the year, financial flows
    into the United States exceeded the trade deficit by
    well over 50 percent. Last month they barely covered
    the $54.2 billion deficit.

    As private capital flows declined, the American
    financial balance has been poised precariously. As
    private financing dwindled, most of this coverage has
    been provided by foreign government finance.

    "If all we have funding our current account imbalance
    is the good graces of foreign central banks, we are
    on increasingly thin ice," said Stephen S. Roach, the
    chief economist at Morgan Stanley. Of Washington's
    call for China to stop interfering in currency markets,
    he cautioned, "That could come back and bite us."

    Not all economists are that worried about the growing
    shortfall in the current account, the broadest measure
    of trade, pointing out that it is sustainable as long as
    Asians continue on a path of export-led growth that
    requires cheap currencies against the dollar.

    Many economists stress, however, that this symbiotic
    balance between Asian and American economies will
    eventually come to an end.

    Jeffrey Frankel, an economics professor at Harvard
    University, said: "The Asians are going to go on
    buying Treasury securities for a while, preventing the
    dollar from depreciating and helping keep U.S. interest
    rates low, which is a good thing. But not forever."

    Morris Goldstein of the Institute for International
    Economics remarked, "This can be a story for one
    year or two years, not for 10 years."

    If the United States were to temper its appetite for
    foreign money, the Chinese and Japanese could
    curtail their purchases of American securities
    without causing financial havoc. The dollar could
    then drift lower against Asian currencies, benefiting
    American exporters and manufacturers that
    compete with Asian imports.

    But this would require Americans to increase their
    rate of savings. Household savings have plummeted
    to only 1.5 percent of personal income, from 11
    percent 20 years ago. With the federal government
    running a budget deficit of 3.5 percent of the nation's
    output, the public sector hardly contributes to

    A disorderly situation would occur if foreign money
    dried up suddenly when the United States still
    needed it. Then, the adjustment in American savings
    might happen involuntarily. Interest rates would rise
    sharply, and the dollar could fall abruptly. This could
    induce a sharp economic contraction, even stagflation.

    "The longer we wait," Mr. Goldstein said, "the more
    likely we'll have the adjustment anyway. But the
    adjustment will be more chaotic and sharper."

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