forgive me for being cynical, page-13

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 80

    Hi Taurisk,

    re "Please tell what you think about this."
    lol, you asked for it.

    Chemical Castration exists for this purpose, and is used, at least, in the US. Dont know about here. Physical castration?
    There is a risk, on a par with those found guilty of murder, that the offender may be found innocent at a later date. Bit hard to sow them dangly bits back maybe years down the line?
    I would support physical castration if there was absolutely no doubt....but there was no doubt at the time of conviction of Button, Mallard, Beamish, eh?
    Was a Perth case years back where a father accused of molesting his daughter suicided after being charged and locked up, only to have it emerge after his death that the girl had been put up to making the claims by the mother to gain total custody. Felt sorry for the poor chap.
    So risks exist with physical castration.......
    Also, I had read a long time back that in a lot of cases, the rapist or whatever, was not motivated by sexual gratification, but by hatred and a desire to defile, degrade. Cut their willy off & they'll use an object....

    And one last point. We dont hear too much about it, but we know that FEMALE sex offenders exist, dont we? What do you propose to do with them? lol.

    Sorry, Taurisk, I do agree in principle, and had long suggested similar extreme acts when fired up. But when you think about it unemotionally, you see possible injustices.

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