Former CIA Operative : Trump Is Battling Pedophile Network, page-10

  1. 1,372 Posts.
    I thought the very same thing at first. And that is exactly why he was forced to step down but now I think Flynn was a masterstroke by Trump. A necessary sacrifice. They laid a trap and the other side walked straight into it.

    I have a feeling they knew exactly what they were doing because what ended up happening is it exposed the other elephant in the room which is the leaks. He turned it right back on those he's at war with. The MSM and the deep state and now it is hard to deny that that battle is taking place. He showed that even the republicans will betray him. Which leads straight back into the argument that democrats and republicans are the very same thing and that he himself is neither. Both parties are terrified of him. Other leaks since he got in like the leak of his phone calls with Turnbull and the Mexican president etc. were not complained about by Trump too much at the time which leads me to believe he used those leaks to formulate a plan. Flynn was sacrificed to root out the leaks imho. Remains to be seen.

    Half the World is paying attention to the internal battle in DC (Trump vs the Media and the Deep State) while the other half are paying attention to Russian hacks or Trumps tax returns or his love of cats.

    The fact that Trump is into fully grown adult women from Eastern Europe might turn some people off.
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