Former Trump people unemployable, now on the dole., page-62

  1. 81,467 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    "Good on you. So I guess when a lefty govt ex employee suffers the same fate we can all laugh, rejoice, hold hands and sing Kumbaya, etc etc. Amazing! Humanity, thy name is Boomeronrations and Dave R!"

    if they've been r's holes -------------yes.

    there's a difference between someone who is a totally unsympathetic horrible intentional r's hole and someone who is not

    Porter showed his true colours in the robodebt tragedy - where thousands of people were badly hurt - entire families disintegrated - never to reform - people killed themselves

    and Porter was one of the biggest instigators of forcing people to prove they were innocent rather than accepting people are innocent until proven guilty

    even after the tragedy was recognised and the government found to be 100% at fault --

    the great Porter had this to say -------

    "This is not a matter for apology"

    what a piece of work ----------- now - poor old boo boo has to take mental health leave because some think he's guilty until he proves himself innocent

    poor boo boo -------------- live by the sword - die by the sword
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