"Can you name some of these employees who are unable to pay...

  1. 82,079 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    "Can you name some of these employees who are unable to pay their rent etc,"

    are we in the same room with the same discussion??? - who tf said anything about rent?

    "just why each of these individuals is an "r's hole" ??"
    the discussion was about the treatment of people whether left or right
    so, it matters not which nation we are in and I suggest - (read my post) - that it more likely matters if an officer has been an r's hole or not
    simple enough?
    in Trump world - it would come down to who's been what and done what -
    as it is in Porters case in Australia - when the poo hits the fan - a LOT depends on how one has treated people in one's past
    there's a saying that's very very true -- be nice to people on the way up because you'll for sure meet them on the way down
    Some of Trumps people will be learning that lesson now - as is Christian Porter learning it now
    sorry if this is a complicated concept
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