Here is the AAP report on the AF/Rudd meeting just ended. I can...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Here is the AAP report on the AF/Rudd meeting just ended. I can only print the report. There may be some light at the end of the tunnel, and how 'just' would it be if Andrew Forrest was the one to lead us out of the wilderness.

    By Cortlan Bennett
    PERTH, June 10 AAP - Mining magnate Andrew Forrest says Prime
    Minister Kevin Rudd finally understands the full brunt of the
    government's proposed resources tax on the Australian economy.
    Speaking to reporters after meeting with Mr Rudd in Perth on
    Thursday, the Fortescue Metals Group boss said the threat to jobs
    and the economy was "very real" and the mining industry wasn't
    bluffing in opposing it.
    "I'm grateful to the prime minister for giving me a full and
    proper hearing, so that he understands clearly, from the horse's
    mouth, that there is no bluff, no fear campaign - we literally
    cannot employ at least 30,000 Australians if this tax were to go
    ahead," Mr Forrest said.
    "I have a very real concern for the future of our company and
    the 30,000 workers which, under this tax, we can't employ.
    "The prime minster (now) knows a great deal more about
    Fortescue, knows that when we said there were 30,000 jobs on the
    line, he understands why that is and why that number is a
    conservative number."
    Mr Forrest said although no agreement had been reached during
    their meeting, Mr Rudd was at least now listening to the industry.
    "From my perspective, we have much more wood to chop," Mr
    Forrest said.
    "He was open, convivial and the discussions were detailed.
    "He's open to a process, and let's give that a chance.
    "I know that the tax in its current form cannot work and I'm now
    working with the prime minister to do the best we can for this
    "I have a prime minister who is listening and who has entered
    into a process."
    Mr Forrest had earlier said he was "certain" there would be a
    High Court challenge if the 40 per cent resources super profits tax
    became legislation.
    West Australian Attorney General Christian Porter is reportedly
    considering whether the tax is unconstitutional and could be
    challenged in the High Court.
    "I know for sure there will be a High Court challenge if this
    stupid theoretical tax were to proceed," Mr Forrest said before his
    meeting with Mr Rudd.
    Mr Rudd said he was confident the tax was constitutional.
    "The Commonwealth advises we're fortified in our constitutional
    position in that regard," he told ABC Radio on Thursday.
    Mr Forrest said he "didn't have an axe to grind with the prime
    minister, but I certainly would never hold a candle for (Treasury
    secretary) Ken Henry".
    AAP csb/ldj/ht
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