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    @ppm56 @gumUnderfoot @tonio @MrGordon and all

    GOD IS WORD -> LIVING AND ACTIVE and you are seeing Him and Jesus right NOW.
    I Yahweh THE Aleph Tav, the beginning and the ending, saith Said Yahweh, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
    Aleph = 1 -> Head - Almighty God and Father - Spirit THE ONE HOLY -> WORD -> LIGHT -> LOVE where we are to come to.
    Dabar = Word -> Door -> House -> Head = WORD our Almighty God and Father of the above.
    Lets us make man in our (hosts) image = WORD -> Door -> House -> Head = Adam.
    Adam 1. Spirit 2. Soul, and out the Door of God -> you go Adam and now enmity between spirit and soul = WAR.
    Woman, birth pains, -> God trying to give birth to His Seed = The Word of God.
    Find the true Door Z, you come to the Spirit of Truth A and death no more.
    As in the here and now, you being Words, put on wings and fly -> twitter etc.
    Spirit world, your word is your expressed Spirits thought's, HEAD.

    Sacle Doe, ray, me far, sew, la, tea doe.
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
    1 = God, 2 become one flesh - Spirit and Soul, 3 divine, 4 complete 5, Grace, 6 man, 7, creation - word - 8, Jesus.
    1 and 8 are doe, I an the Father are ONE, 8 means new beginning Jesus 888 = Divine.

    Tav -> Spot, mark, cross, ROCK.
    Aleph = A..........................Tav = Z...........the Beginning to the Alphabet, for YOU, Words to learn.
    You come into the Now Door Jesus and up the alphabet to the TOP = Father and you are then fully raised in their Image = Word and Words.
    Child, come ye into my House, KINGDOM of MY self and my beloved, Begotten son.

    Once lost and NOW found, The WORDS of OUR Life.

    WORD OF GOD -> Jesus Christ our now Lord and Saviour,.....hence His name meaning -> GOD THE FATHER IS Salvation yaaaaa!

    Seed is sown immortal and that same said is to become immortal -> put on the Holy Spirit = WORD, 2 become one flesh, so to speak and NOW listen to Jesus, touch me etc.
    If you get the above, the Bible will SING to YOU, you, you little Honey words.

    Guys and Gal's, there is quite a lot more I could add, as in aligning ALL the Dots, we are in the Spiritual, Spirit in a House, our Birth to the real life, so hey, lets come OUT of her like SCREAMING kids crying Abba Father I love YOU.

    Following was my original post, unfinished, so I will leave it as such.
    WORDS guys, so you can guess who, what is 666, the nastiest man of it's kind, perfection = 3, divine of it's kind.

    Sorry guy but this time around I am handing over the writing of WORD, to them, may not be many reference, but YOU will find IF YOU SEEK. that I personally can vouch FOR.
    Glory to them both and in their Names WORD and WORD OF as we are words and many.
    If you have seen and heard Word, Words, YOU their their Darling's, HAVE SEEN AND HEARD THEM.

    Let this mind be in you which was in our Brother Jesus, I can of my own self do noting, as I see and hear, I speak.
    Ppm, I was writing to you at first and thought no, I will send this to all, hence The Title.

    Oh Dear, Word Ppm,

    I for once, am Not going to bother reading your post, I started but when I saw WORD being use in vain, I closed my Door;
    Door ->House -> Head..............yes Word ppm, that is your Head, knock, who's there, go away no one is home, I just left the light on, that's, so buzz off. biggrin.png

    OK Brudder Word, I will just let our other Brother, you know our BIG brother, that YOU are not coming to Kindy todays.
    Not sure he will take this, I mean you have been hanging out with those Word hoods down the street, for most of you life now, eek.png

    You should know by now, they are the naughty Seed/Words of that have got TWO fathers, but one has got them by the short and curli's..

    Well,'s not looking good atm (?), it is looking like, it's not their timing.

    Ppm, this time, UNQUESTIONABLY, it is NOT the little boy that cried Wolf, the wolf is real and kick, we are on it now.
    word, words, words, words = seeds, seed, seed = spirit, spirit of ? eek.png

    Ppm, you will see something, have NOT seen anywhere, goodness me mate, step for a few minutes, become the Child and sit on our Big Brothers knee, we cannot get Greater Teacher than these two, Seed of THE SEED.

    Let this mind be in You which was in OUR Brother Word Jesus, I Ppm on my life and before the Two Glorious WORDS which art in Heaven, Hollowed be their names, that this tiny word Baby has been dragged (Drawn) on this journey, BY Them, for many years, and the skin on my feet, has warn off, and it hurts.
    Ex -> I meet you are you wife and I then leave, Mate I could never say I have not met you both -> THAT IS WHAT IT IS!

    Now look and YOU need to believe it -> For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
    Believe mate, with ALL you have and NO waves, and IT WILL be Done, Jesus not me, says so and if it were not so, He would NOT have told us so.
    Who in there right mind can then claim, they have NOT seen and heard WORD, Words???????????? eek.pngbiggrin.png the laughing WILL get ahold of YOU, when the time comes for YOU to see mate, PLEASE trust US! (John's language he Ppm, LISTEN to it and LET it do the talking as it WILL, it alive as you read, don't don't get consumed with that wotsup guy LOL.
    You are speaking to Shenandoah! wink.pngsmile.png YES!

    Once LOST and now I see and I am beside myself in trying to take in what they have given me, it's a Story with Words and the words are us all.
    I don't know which way to run around the Park, THE BOOK of our GREATS, WORD and Word Of.

    Kindy is Now in session and headed by Two of the Greatest Teaches you will EVER know.
    YES, Two of them for One little Bubby Word to be.
    You will be sitting on Big Brother Word Jesus knee today, you know, the one that no one knows?

    THE BEGINNING By THE Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be his name WORD and His Begotten Son, Word of WORD and.....oh, Word Shenandoah has just popped in.
    Word Shenandoah, does not speak of himself, as these words as of ONLY begotten of them.

    I Yahweh THE Aleph Tav, the beginning and the ending, saith Said Yahweh, which is, and which was, and which is to come,
    the Almighty.

    Let the Waters flow, WORD and WORD OF GOD = Words -> Two words speaking. 2 numbers of God's that, you do not mess with.
    Word IS your inner Spirit which you send out your Door into Words, the spirit of you, hence that is what we are to test when testing YOU and everyone.
    Children, plant that CHILD thought in your mind, as where going down a Huge Stream and rapids, like never before, arm yourself with The Word, Wings of an Angel.
    Be - HOLD, careful how you treat a stranger, it maybe an angel.
    YOU 1. Spirit and 2, Soul -> enmity between your 2 -> war for life, Gen, woman, in birth pains -> God trying to give birth now to His Seed/Words ->you little Word, bubby word, yes we are just a pack of words LOL, Yep and words are all I have to say = ME.

    OK children, Shenandoah is going to be your tour guide and we ready to roll down this Huge Rive on the waters of life and at the end, God and Jesus willing, we will be flying as with Wings of an Eagle.
    We as going to show you these Words 2 of + 1 = me 6, them 1 and 8.
    Revealing us in the Alphabet, In Song and Numbers, yaaaaaaaaaaaa In God's image He created Man -> Word.
    And Adam and Eve heard the footsteps of our God-> YA...........WHAT, what footsteps = WORDS eek.png, wow, rapids ahead, WORD up!
    OH no, just like the days of Noah, FLOODS eek.png, now children, stop it, let this mind be IN you, CHILD, your in GOOD hands, the BEST.
    Oh Shenandoah I long to HEAR you.............OK, then just listen Kids, as you Daddy LOVES YOU, and where zooming down the Rive of life, from the Throne, words, words, songs, songs (words).
    Singing away in words as we zoom, jets basting away, God and Jesus's words, song etc.

    By jo where moving Aleph -> 1. - Head........................Tav, -> 22.........Mark, Spot, cross in the ground = Your yes YOU, Door to live Jesus.
    I have to admit guys, some of this is just coming lol, Hand on there, this is your life.
    Aleph Tav - A ..............Z and Jesus representing the z = Door to the Aleph A, the letters are to Teach, Draw YOU to A as YOU Children are words and before you express them, you need to learn them first.
    You have the 2 Greatest teachers.
    Tav kids = 400, oh, Noah etc eek.png, 40 probation etc.
    Guys I could waffle on all day, it's amazing.

    So that you pack of words, is you first lesson, get a cupper.
    Child.........are we there yet, no honey, child,.........can you read me a story,............yes honey...........what about this one,...the Book of Ppm,..............oh that's Word Me tongue.png

    Dabar = Word = Door - House - Head -> Almighty God and Father who is THAT ONE SPIRIT HOLY -> WORD -> LIGHT ->LOVE.
    Let us make man in our image ........oh, man the head of the HOUSE.

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