I could add.China2000 1.29533 billion and growing.What happen to...

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    I could add.


    2000 1.29533 billion and growing.
    What happen to the one child policy?

    The year of 1998 saw19.91 million births, 8.07 million deaths of the population, with a net growth population of 11.84 million (compared with 12.37 million in 1997); More than 10% of total population is over 60 years old (1999 data).

    China population is distributed unevenly with more in the east (more than 300 persons per square kilometer) and fewer in the west (about 40 persons per square kilometer. The national average density of population is 119 per square kilometer (1990 census). For basic urban population data, please visit "ChinaToday.com" Provinces and Cities page. The average size of household was 3.7 persons. The proportion of population aged at 0-14 was 26.4 percent, those aged 15-64 was 67.2 percent, and that of the people aged 65 and over was 6.4 percent. The Average Chinese Life-Span of the population was 70.8 years, that for male was 68.71, and female, 73.04. (Some of the above data are based on the report from China National Statistics Bureau,


    Full country name: People's Republic of China
    Area: 9,596,960 sq km (mainland)
    Population: 1.2 billion (mainland) Yikes!
    Capital city: Beijing (pop 12.6 million)
    People: Han Chinese (93%), plus Mongol, Zhuang, Manchu and Uighur minorities
    Languages: Putonghua (Beijing Mandarin dialect), Cantonese
    Religion: Officially atheist; Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism (no stats available); Muslim (14 million), Christian (7 million)
    Government: Communist republic
    Head of State: Jiang Zemin


    Full country name: Japan (Nihon)
    Area: 377,435 sq km (234,010 sq mi)
    Population: 126.5 million
    Capital city: Tokyo (pop 12 million)
    People: Japanese (including indigenous Ainu & Okinawans), Korean
    Language: Japanese
    Religion: Shinto, Buddhist, Christian

    South Korea

    Full country name: Republic of Korea
    Area: 99,373 sq km (38,369 sq mi)
    Population: 48 million
    Capital city: Seoul (pop 10.6 million)
    People: Koreans, expats (mostly American)
    Language: Korean
    Religion: Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism, Shamanism
    Government: republic


    Full country name: Islamic Republic of Pakistan
    Area: 803,940 sq km (310,300 sq mi)
    Population: 144.6 million
    Capital city: Islamabad (pop. approx. 350,000)
    People: Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtu, Baloch, Muhajir
    Language: Urdu (official), Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtu, English
    Religion: 97% Muslim, 3% Christian and Hindu
    Government: Federal Republic
    President & Chief Executive: Gen. Pervez Musharraf


    Full country name: Republic of China
    Area: 35,563 sq km (13,731 sq mi)
    Population: 22.5 million
    Capital city: Taipei (population 2.7 million)
    People: Taiwanese (84%), Aboriginal (2%), Chinese(14%)
    Language: Taiwanese, Mandarin Chinese
    Religion: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism
    Government: Democratic Progressive Party
    President: Chen Shui-bian


    Full country name: Republic of the Philippines
    Area: 299,000 sq km (116,610 sq mi)
    Population: 78.4 million
    Capital city: Manila (pop: 10 million)
    People: Predominantly descendants of Malays, Chinese and Muslim minorities and a number of mestizos (Filipino-Spanish or Filipino-Americans)
    Language: Pilipino (Tagalog) and English plus numerous widely spoken indigenous languages, some Spanish
    Religion: 82% Roman Catholic, 9% Protestant, 5% Muslim, 3% Buddhist
    Government: Republic
    President: Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo


    Full country name: Federation of Malaysia
    Area: 329,750 sq km (204,445 sq mi)
    Population: 22 million
    Capital city: Kuala Lumpur (pop 1.2 million)
    People: 50% Malay, 33% Chinese, 9% Indian, plus indigenous tribes such as Orang Asli and Iban
    Language: Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese dialects, Tamil, indigenous dialects
    Religion: 52% Muslim, 17% Buddhist, 12% Taoist, 8% Christian, 8% Hindu, 2% tribal
    Government: Parliamentary monarchy
    Head of state: King: Tuanku Salehuddin Abdul Aziz Shah ibni al-Marhum Hisamuddin Alam Shah
    Prime Minister: Dr Mahathir Mohamad

    Full country name: Kingdom of Thailand
    Area: 517,000sq km
    Population: 62 million
    Capital city: Bangkok (pop 6 million)
    People: 75% Thai, 11% Chinese, 3.5% Malay, also Mon, Khmer, Phuan and Karen minorities
    Language: Thai
    Religion: 95% Buddhism, 4% Muslim
    Government: Democratic constitutional monarchy
    Prime Minister: Thaksin Shinawatra
    Head ofstate: King Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX)

    Full country name: Socialist Republic of Vietnam
    Area: 329,566 sq km (128,527 sq mi)
    Population: 79 million
    Capital city: Hanoi (pop 3.5 million)
    People: 84% ethnic Vietnamese, 2% ethnic Chinese, also Khmers, Chams (a remnant of the once-great Indianised Champa Kingdom) and members of over 50 ethnolinguistic groups (also known as Montagnards, 'highlanders' in French)
    Language: Vietnamese, Russian, French, Chinese, English and a variety of Khmer and Laotian dialects
    Religion: Buddhism is the principal religion but there are also sizeable Taoist, Confucian, Hoa Hao, Caodaists, Muslim and Christian minorities
    Government: Communist People's Republic
    President: Tran Duc Luong
    Prime Minister: Phan Van Khai

    Full country name: Kingdom of Cambodia
    Area: 181,035 sq km (11,224 sq mi)
    Population: 12 million (growth rate 2.2%)
    Capital city: Phnom Penh (pop one million)
    People: 94% ethnic Khmers, 4% Chinese, 1% Vietnamese
    Language: Khmer, English and French
    Religion: 95% Buddhist, Cham Muslim and Roman Catholic
    Government: Constitutional Monarchy
    Head of state: King Norodom Sihanouk
    Prime Minister: Hun Sen

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