Does this offender in the education system excuse the alleged...

  1. 478 Posts.
    Does this offender in the education system excuse the alleged behaviour of the individual in the political apparatus? One of the dilemmas that political bias spawns is the abject failure to address the problem at hand to the detriment of the country, Sports rort ring a bell? The defence employed then was that Labor does it as well. Because someone else commits a comparable iniquitous act doesn't make it it excusable. It is a downward spiral to depravity if society embrace that logic.

    Perhaps, in the example cited, the questions that needed to be asked is " have systems been put in place to prevent any similar occurrence in the future?" Further, have any individuals responsible for oversight that knowingly allowed the perpetrator to continue to prey on children been adequately disciplined? To draw comparisons necessitates a great deal more information and facts than one sound bite.
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