whoopsie ---------------- ppa (piss poor attempt) at derailing...

  1. 82,514 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    whoopsie ---------------- ppa (piss poor attempt) at derailing mogs

    gotta do better than that mate

    I'll assist -------- out of sympathy

    I'm actually fascinated how we don't have more - far more pics of pollies asleep ---------------- with the things they do -- they must often have a lot of early mornings and late nights ---- well, if it was me -------- I would be bloody nodding off everywhere

    in Uni I was famous for falling asleep in lectures ---- once I was sound asleep slumped in my chair and my bloody watch was in alarm - which roused all in the room except me ------ ----------- gave em all a great laugh - almost 200 of the buggers

    many of them were faux pissed off though at the end of the year when I was in the top 5 - they couldn't understand how the older bloke who falls asleep all the time could do so well --------- :0

    I just told the truth

    I was bonking the lecturer

    ----------- well - it was a good story anyway

    how's that for a derail for ya?? ------------- goin ok so far?
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