Wotsup, what you are claiming makes no sense. How can a body...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Wotsup, what you are claiming makes no sense. How can a body that died be immortal and be the same?

    I’m not claiming anything that’s not in the Bible, the other post I sent “should” answer this critical point?

    How can a man sit at the RHS of God when we are told : " No man has seen God at any time; " - John 1:18.

    You know what Mr G, when we only half-truths as in half a verse, we Don’t get the whole truth.
    No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten God (man exalted) which is (now) in the bosom of the Father……
    This is after the cross when he has gone to the Father and “that” is why he is the only one = Truth.

    How can he be exulted exalted if he is a man that is a " little lower than angels" still?

    I find it extremely hard to fathom that you would write such?
    There are verses all over the Bible that explain this and I am not going to quote them as you rarely answer them.
    He was given a name above all names, exalted above all accept his Father and unto which of the angels did he say, “this day I have begotten you”.
    So that rules out your Michael, well and truly.
    No angel has "ever" had that said to them.

    - Psalm 8:5 . Did his Father refuse his request?

    You didn’t bother clarifying this as requested.

    (John 17:5) So now, Father, glorify me at your side with the glory that I had alongside you before the world was.

    I have to be straight up and honest here Mr G, it sickens me when I see tampering as I see in this verse.
    And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

    There is zero mention of “at your side and alongside you” = zero.

    So before the world was = Jesus was slain, in God’s plan and also in his plan was Rev 3:14 Jesus was – the beginning of the creation of God = Future plan.
    Col 1:15 The firstborn in the mind and plan of God’s creation.
    Exactly as outlined in the Greeks meaning for Logos, covered future along.

    So just as Abraham rejoiced to “see” this future day and eventually see and meet his future seeds, God rejoiced etc in the thought of having an only begotten etc.
    Time to God is not as we see it, and he sees and pictures things as though they are already and finished and You should know there are a number of verses stating this very Fact.

    Does the fact that angels can materialize make them men?

    What’s this got to do with the price of eggs = Zero

    Does the fact Jesus appeared in a body of flesh prove he is not a spirit person?

    That is just a silly question because I, not like you, I choose to believe the “very” clear words of Jesus and Not JW indoctrination = Simple’s. Jesus went out of his way to "prove" He was NOT a Spirit. In fact, I think he was challenging the disbelieve at some point as well, as he well and truly told them, "this would be so".

    Can the statement Jesus is " the same today, yesterday and forever ", refer to a physical sense when Jesus went from a spirit to a child that grew to a man and then died? Or does it not rather speak of his steadfast loyalty to God?

    Well that my friend, You cannot show from the Bible without the likes of Philosophy of man or JW, the things you claim in this statement.
    You have to ignore many prophesies to the likes of David 2 Sam 7:12-14 where God says the likes of – To David, when you are dead, in the grave, there will be your seed, I “will be” a Father to him and He “will be” a Son to me = future context.
    Now seriously, show me ONE verse where the likes of David and Co, thought that this future seed already existed in some form “other” than in the mind and plans of God, just show me one and you will spark my interest as I have been looking for them.

    Now then – A while back I put to you, numerous verses which showed, God “alone” created everything in the creation account.
    I showed you in detail that when the NT used the word “By” with reference to Jesus in creation, that according to the Greeks own meanings for where By has been implanted that – There is no place for the word By to even be used = Zero.
    Their word is DIA and that means – through, on account of, by reason of, for the sake of, because of = For all these reasons, Jesus in God’s thoughts and plans, God created for ALL these reasons.
    And the Logos meaning according to the Greek, also supports/accommodates this exact same reasoning.

    So please explain Mr G – Why do you Not address/discuss this obvious and clear matter? It’s not my opinion, it’s based on the Bible and the Greek from which our translation comes from.

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