Frank Turek PhD..., page-51

  1. 23,335 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Haha, you never made mention of his key point/support (flawed) Jesus pre-existed as a Spirit and that being Micheal.

    Neither of these two points are supported in the Bible unless you totally ignore what the Prophets, Forefathers were told and many more Bible passages.
    The Bible is clear, Jesus was the mystery Hid IN God (His plans) until the times were fulfilled and that is at Mary, just as ALL Prophets were told and Expected.
    He was made lower than angels (man) and we have ZERO in the Bible to say he was ever anything else before being exalted, zero.

    The first or center of God's creation was a future Son slain before the foundation of the world, if one tries to claim Micheal was Jesus and then demoted, changed him Big time to suffer death, that flies in the face the all knowing God that he is.
    Like whoopsie, I'm going to have to remake you, sorry about that = Pork pies to the highest degree.
    Not to mention, that puts Micheal at the top of the run, first preference = from a Biblical perspective - Profanity.
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