Franking Credits - Brilliant article, page-34

  1. 9,903 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 353
    I commend you for your opinion and argument.

    One thing I have noted is that EVERYONE acts out of self interest, including politicians, so you really have to take with a grain of salt about ideology, doing what's right and demonising those that have differing views, in a political sense.

    I for one cannot vote labor, regardless how honorable their intentions may be perceived - because they want a job as government and with that goes fat pay packets and perks us peons can only dream of.

    As a self-funded retiree they will impact about 20% of my income and to ME that's not fair!

    I'm sure when labor politicians win office all they will think about how they can massage the system to make themselves wealthier, with some minor consideration to the dumb plebs who voted them in.
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