AZS azure minerals limited

Free livestream of New World Metals Conference (today @ 3.30pm AWST), page-144

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1984
    For the punters..

    What is DMS? Dense medium separation (DMS), also known as dense or heavy media separation, is a beneficiation technology that has been used for many years in the processing and mining industry. It utilizes the difference in material density between liberated particles as the separation mechanism. Simpler less expensive process.

    The POX process works as follows: ore is mined and crushed to create a fine material. These fines are mixed with water to create a slurry. This slurry is pumped into an autoclave (a giant pressure cooker of sorts) where oxygen is added. The slurry and oxygen then react as they flow through several compartments within the autoclave. The slurry takes approximately 60 minutes to complete the oxidizing process in the autoclave. Upon leaving the high pressure and temperature atmosphere of the autoclave the slurry must be returned to atmospheric conditions. This is accomplished through one or two letdown/flash stages. Once the slurry is at atmospheric conditions it is washed and separated at which point the gold, copper or other minerals can be recovered from the liquid fraction.

    The major benefits of POX are the ability to quickly separate gold, copper, and other minerals from refractory ores, achieve higher recoveries, and reduce environmental impact.

    We are likely to go with best practice. But what EVs...

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Currently unlisted public company.

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