free the aborigines

  1. 12,160 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 242
    Australia's aborigines have been treated as pets by our socialists for long enough. It is time they were released and allowed to climb to their feet as full citizens.

    For decades the socialists have claimed to be the aborigine's guardians and fed them a steady drip of welfare money and services. The aborigines have had their victim status reinforced constantly.

    The socialist guardians never want to see the aborigines weaned off their paternalistic control. The aborigines provide a full time cause, industry and jobs to the professional bleeding hearts.

    Yesterday clear signs emerged that the aboriginal leaders realise that the bleeding hearts are really their oppressors. There were three apparently unrelated stories in the Weekend Australian with a common theme;
    a)On the front page, aborigines have exchanged land for real world benefits. This was achieved by the commonwealth resuming land for compensation. Aborigines aren't allowed to sell when they want but the Commenwealth can buy when it wants.
    b)An article by Galarrwuy Yunupingu, 'We have the right to draw incomes from our land'. He wants the right to prosper from his land like white folks can.
    c)An article by Noel Pearson, 'Indiginous people need space to develop independent lives,and such change means a rethinking of government dominance'.

    Aborigines are asset rich but live in squalor. Their title should be defined and vested via a corporate structure with individuals holding shares. In this way rights could be sold or dealt with.

    Native title is incompatible with the modern world. Title that can't be sold is meaningless. Their property can't be traded, rented or mortgaged. Aborigines who want to move on in life are forced to stay in the socialists experimental camps. Permanent experimental pets for latter day Josef Mengeles.

    Aborigines are not unique in attachment to their land. My European ancestors had similar feelings for their soil and valleys, they had myths and dreamtimes too. Yet only the aborigines are forbidden from moving on. Condemned to a perenial socialist Jurassic Park.

    Mabo gave the aborigines a huge windfall. It was then taken from them and given to the socialists when it was for some reason made inalienable (can't be sold). It is clear that the socialists cosider aboriginal land theirs from the recent Bligh decision to trade large chunks of it to the Greens in exchange for preferences. Give the aborigines the same right as everyone else to sell their property if they wish.

    The idea that aborigines are uniquely socialist because of their tribal structure is nonsense. European clans had joint property, but they were allowed to move on.

    Aborigines are capable of excellence, some like Galarrwuy wil excell in business. Of course socialists and particularly public servants are uncomfortable with individual success and enterprise. Some aborigines will fail and most will be middling.

    It is time to let the aborigines go free and find their feet.

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