free uni education, page-10

  1. 1,197 Posts.
    Wow great plan .....

    Nothing was wrong with the current system, just libs trying to turn us into America yet again, they don't seem to realise (or maybe they do?) that the educational and health systems of the US are terrible, good for a few I guess.

    I'm all for hard work and earning your way, but placing a 22 year old with $100,000 dollar debt doesn't work in America, but although students leave Uni with massive debt under higher interest rates, at least housing and cost of living is much more affordable. Good luck to all young people leaving uni after 2016, under the thumb of debt, unable to enter the housing market.....Unless of course your family is rich then no worries :) and if your Abbott's daughter then just get a given a hush hush $60,000 scholarship that nobody else in her class even had access too. Catching the trend here? LNP want an elite class. This is why Australians are angry.

    Nothing need be free, but everything should be fair.
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