good to see this up here... the tactic of everyone attending to...

  1. 94 Posts.
    good to see this up here...

    the tactic of everyone attending to bring a camera works, third party witnesses every where with video & audio recordings / evidence that could be made available across the whole media spectrum, and no editor from a mass media outlet to dictate what makes it to the news or print and also no EU interference via media outlets to manipulate the narrative because every one seeking truth will go online to see the "raw footage" and make their own judgement about who & what went on, like the chap in the footage says continiously " this is not about racism, it is about free speech..."

    Being an expat Northerner / "Lancs Lad", I have a pretty good idea about what is going on in the nth of the UK and the UK in general, you as Australians really need to look towards the UK and watch what is happening over there because many aspects of its (the UK) legal system are common with ours, and we as citizens are subject to some of the same abuses of power here as they are over there, this whole thing is not about Arabs, Asians, and Muslims, it is mainly about free speech and post Brexit Britain / UK...and the issue of "differential applications of law to persons of differing ethic back grounds"

    the common & criminal laws of the UK need to be balanced in it policing and its prosecutions, that is why the all of those cameras where there, I bet that the policeman who was struck by the Muslim with a walking stick used as an offensive weapon was glad a camera was there because his chances of a successful arrest were bolstered by the voluntary offer of using the in camera footage as a means to successfully charge the offending individual were made greater, if that camera wasnt there recording, there would have been almost zero chance of make a charge stick because the Muslim would have cried "racism via police" at that event, He "the muslim) clearly presents himself as an "agent provocateur", as is later in the footage it clearly demonstrates "a posse of obviously non white muslims" using racist baiting tactics to start trouble, all is there to see and a very common practice of them to use...

    now lets get to the policing side of it all, the police are just professional witnesses by definition & profession, their collective behaviours were turned to an even handled policing of the event and also to weed out trouble makers, Im sure that their ( the police) collective behaviours were also manipulated into "enforcing law in effective street terms" rather than enforcing a government social policy because any display like that would have been obvious and filmed by all and clearly demonstrated.

    I look forward to seeing more of this kind of footage being shared, it is raw and truthful and hard to manipulate its narrative, being photographer myself I know the true value of this kind of footage / record of the event and it is good to see it out there for all to see...

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