Freedom of Speech Party, page-8

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    The truth can be spoken but can get you into trouble too...but conversely, being able to speak the truth also means being able to express one's true opinion as well does it not?

    A excerpt from Pickering this morning;

    But here’s the guts of it; freedom of speech is a cornerstone of Australia's way of life but it is a two way street and no-one should have the right to pick and choose who has the freedom to speak! I treasure that right and, unless others are allowed that same right, then the term “freedom of speech” becomes absurdly meaningless and a contradiction in terms.

    Hizb ut-Tahrir’s aesthetically challenged spokesman, Uthman Badar, was prevented from delivering a lecture in the Sydney Opera House on the virtues of honour killings.
    Hizb ut-Tahrir is banned in many countries but not here, so he should have been afforded the right to speak.

    That's the true crux of the matter...the right to free speech means everybody, including these same people can speak their mind should they wish to do so.

    Geert Wilders had venues refuse to allow him to speak at them, he was labelled a racist and trouble maker because he was giving his views...against what would be a right to freedom of speech in this country.

    At the moment this country is confused and lacking any direction, pulled this way and that by fringe groups. The snivel libertarians have two standards, their's and every one else's.

    If we are truly to be a nation that accepts and embraces free speech then anybody and everybody can speak with no fear of retribution or fear of attack...but, to incite violence and to incite fear through words would not be should they be if we advocate free speech for all?
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