Members of ALA have been told to expect ridicule and scorn...

  1. 451 Posts.
    Members of ALA have been told to expect ridicule and scorn heaped on them, with a fair smattering of "flash in the pan" comments, but I disagree, having met the various candidates and listened to them speak, believe me, they are in for the long haul, and as always mis-pronunciations or the like, will be pounced on just as an excuse to humiliate and point score as thats the way of politics. As we all know the lefties are in a room manning their key boards 24/7, churning out similar crap, but I ask, how can you validate the happenings the muslims get up to around the world as being normal, c'mon, do the right thing for Australia and vote ALA, its two months away from the ballot box.
    The French mayor should consider joining our group, sounds as though he would be a good candidate.
    vote 1 ALA.
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