French outrage..truck used to kill, page-349

  1. 29,310 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 80
    Interesting, BM. That may explain something.....

    re "During the pilot transition program with the KV-107 and C-130 with Lockheed, we found that most Saudi pilot trainees had very limited night vision, even on the brightest of moonlit nights.
    Their training retention rate was minimal including maintenance personnel. Some had dim memories and had to be constantly reminded of things that were told to them the day before. An American, British or any other western instructor is burned out pretty quick. It actually took Muslim C-130 pilots years before they could fly in the dark safely and then would be reluctant to leave the lights of a city.".........

    Back about 15 years we were training (trying to) Indonesian Air Force pilots at RAAF Pearce in WA.
    I was told we gave up on trying to teach them night flying, though, as it was stressing out our instructors.
    That article might explain it. Muslims are Muslims, after all.
    I remember posting that here on HC and having a chuckle that if we had to hit Indonesia, we should do it at night.

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