French self destruction through stupidity, page-14

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Crikey thats pretty weak. Surrendering in advance.

    The opposite will happen. We will win those living in
    the dark ages over and bring them up to date.

    Their way is fraught with disaster to themselves so eventually
    future generations will rebel against the backward Men trying to
    keep the power they had long ago. Its already waning as the fact there
    are so many westernised and moderate forms of the Islamic religion
    the fundamentalists are already being weeded out.. A minority is
    attempting a last hurrah through ISIS who also entice those with
    disturbed inclinations in the West to commit sporadic atrocities
    aided and abetted by a few of the self proclaimed fundamentalist
    so called religious leaders. They are playing a futile power game trying
    to keep their flock under the thumb.

    They will have to come around and accept secular democracy.

    There is no alternative.
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