freo drama's worsen, page-33

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    Boganoorain: Throw em out the window, watch Bartel and Driftwood dive for them on the ground.
    Boof: Hey Shaza, isnt that ya old boyfriend Warnie over there?
    Shaza: Drive over to the gates at the front of the tip will ya Bogan, let me see if that arsewipe has got me Cats beenie.
    Boganoorain: OK then, he's got my can opener as well.
    Warnie: G'day Shaz, who's that in the car with ya.
    Shaza: Its Boof and Bog's, they're helping me wif me training for the downhill skiing instructor at the snow fields.
    Warnie: Jeez Shaza, got any dough and a durry ya could lend us.
    Shaza: Jump in the back Warnie, no, how about you drive, Bog's got a little excited and cant think straight for a while,
    use my beenie to clean the steering wheel and get in, Bog's get in the back and wipe that stupid smile from ya face before
    I do it for ya.
    Boof: Hey Shaza, ya gonna keep training?
    Shaza: Na, here use the beenie and see what's in that, see what happens when ya spill coffee everywhere, training takes longer.
    Warnie: What a bloody mess.
    Boganoorain: Its a fine line between pleasure and pain Warnie. Did ya see Bartel at the Cattery practicing funny dance moves?
    Warnie: I did, it was kinda weird Bog's, Fat Scott was yelling at him to throw his arms in the air then fall forward and cry.
    Boof: That Bloody Fat Scott, I saw him doing that to Stevie Jerkson a few weeks ago and before that to the Tomahawk.
    Boganoorain: It must work, we get plenty of free kicks every week, how about those sucker umpires the uvver night when we
    played Freo, we got so many free kicks that Hot Copper went into meltdown.
    To be continued.
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