Morning Pinners :)Its 3am over here with rain falling on the tin...

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    Morning Pinners
    Its 3am over here with rain falling on the tin roof so it can’t get any better than that .The rain snuck up on me ,usually knowing a week in advance the forecast .The Principle had a good hard crack about me for not knowing the forecast,I said I’ve been extremely busy .”Doing What” she replied .I never take her on just say “Fair Enough” too many battle scars over the year plus she NEVER forgets anything which is an unfair advantage,.I swear she makes half the stuff up as well

    Thanks Pinners for a GREAT month ,Congratulations to our clever winners and I hope you wear your wings with pride or show off your golden Pineapple.Special mentions go out to the Boss for the time/effort and patience he displays with us from time to time (he must shake his head a lot).LP for his everlasting legacy he’s left us ,I know he’s out there somewhere,feet up enjoying life with his beautiful family .The much respected Wonderful Witty Wingman Wizard Wazza who is always been there when called upon in times of need and advise

    Well it all starts again in a few hour ,all jammed in cellar dodging the BS and Darts ,practicing social distancing and looking for a way out but some seem to like the tight squeeze and hot breathes .What I like best is that we genuinely respect and care for each other ,laugh at ourselves plus help fellow pinners when in need .We have a special fun community here and thank you all for playing a part .Think that’s enough dribble for the morning GLA ....can’t wait to pin

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