XJO 0.75% 8,193.4 s&p/asx 200

friday night flight or fight, page-127

  1. 10,382 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 135
    "I'm interested in the range of beliefs among those with a higher level of formal education with regards to technical analysis."

    The argument is near enough dead.
    It has been proven beyond doubt (numerous studies) that in the long-run no technical method will outperform the simple buy-and-hold alternative after transaction costs.
    TA has no useful predictive power.
    Let me give you the easiest possible TA problem.
    Assume a chart, say a 10 year chart of daily close prices.
    In the middle of that chart there is precisely *one* point missing. Guess that price.
    This is what I would do. I would join the two points on either side of the missing point with a straight line and guess that the missing price is the midpoint of that straight line.
    Your task : Prove to me that you can do better than my guess is a *statistical significant* way.
    I cant be fairere than that.
    I give the price history. I give you the price future. Just guess a single lousy point !

    "I would be surprised if a PhD physicist or mathematician took numerology in any guise seriously at all, for example. You never know, though -- I'm always being surprised about these sorts of things."

    Well, Isaac Newton dabbled in alchemy and also lost significant money in the South Sea bubbale.

    "So if you have a higher degree in an analytical subject or in the physical sciences"

    I have done undergraduate maths and physics, but I dont believe you need a lot of maths for investment / trading. Excel provides 100 times more maths than you'll ever need to use.
    If you can add a geometric series, thats about as complex maths as you will need.

    "BTW, I agree with the proposition that successful trading does not require a high level of formal education. Commonsense, a level head, and emotional discipline are much more important."

    I dont buy that.

    Dont judge by the calible and views of the posters who contribute to this thread. They are basically a bunch of ignorant newbie know-it-alls.
    Education is important, but not quite as important as practice.
    You can never know too much, particularly in this field, which is a multi-disciplinary field.
    But it is not a *natural* science. It is predominantly a *social* science, with a bit of maths thrown in.

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