Who hasn't glossed up a CV - rushed for a flattering photo -held...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Who hasn't glossed up a CV - rushed for a flattering photo -
    held in a stomach - flexed mental and physical muscles - when one goes for a job. Little things. Small vanities. Sometimes done in a fit of desperation.
    Does one, though, having been handed a plum job on a silver platter out of the blue, go all out and surrender one's beliefs and principles to satisfy one's new bosses? Virtually throwing out one's own integrity and true beliefs?

    According to Julie Bishop, doing a farce of a so-called "interview" (heavily biased ill-mannerd interruptive and agressive grilling being more apt) with a Drive time ABC host - Rafael someone or other - (Archangel?) - she managed to get a word in occasionally when he wasn't interrupting incessantly - hardly bothering to wait for her to finish answering very rudely such was his personal leftist bias - (please someone bring back great objective radio MTR1377!) - Carr has pulled down his own blog, (some embarrassing criticisms of Government on there previously apparently) and he's indulging in other "air-brushings" as well as this one wherever he can to eliminate other previous anti-Government opinions.

    Oh yes - we can all re-mould ourselves into being what our future masters demand of us, as prestige and financial reward and associated "status" dictates. Having to re-invent oneself for a new dogma/ideology/toeing the Party line is the pits, IMO. AT least present yourself as real - and not some manufactured, revised "acceptable" version.
    Sad the real person can't stand up, honest and open, and present themselves as they really are. Moreso than ever in the critical field of politics, where the truth is such a rarity. Moreso in the light of the current state of Australia - where liars and schemers rule now, uhindered.
    (Yet they're racing to take OUR rights away from us as I write!)

    Honesty in Carr's own blog. Never to be seen again it seems.

    Probably down at the Queen's command. And I don't mean Elizabeth. "You will be a good boy, Bob, and do what you're told" - he has to write it out, one hundred times, every night. That's his pennace for getting the 5 star hotel left of the planes gig.

    Easy peasy - and get floated into Senate on the magic carpet of Australia's flawed Constitutional idiocy too! All Carr's wildest dreams have come true.
    Rudd must be purple with rage - and self-flaggelating over his own stupidity in tossing it in.

    One almost feels sorry for Rudd - but not quite.
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