"Friends of the ABC" were actively handing out how to vote cards...

  1. 1,156 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 179
    "Friends of the ABC" were actively handing out how to vote cards in Wentworth during the Bi election plastered with official ABC logos etc directing people to vote for Kerryn Phelps. Is this not election "Meddling"? Its ironic that the ABC was the first to cry "Election Meddling" in the US election when their preffered candidate Hillary lost, but it is OK for them to meddle as much as they want. And the ABC still claims to be a non Biased political organisation??? it is laughable, and this action should be investigated, I hope it will be because us taxpayers that are paying the wages at the ABC deserve much better. I hope it gets privatised. For an apparently non biased taxpayer funded organisation to support one particular candidate in an election is a blow to the democratic process.
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