frightening rather than funny, page-106

  1. 5,382 Posts.
    Sorry if my previous contribution was offensive, I do get a bit prickly in response to certain types of comments.
    For anyone interested in some different view points I recommend Zeitgeist Movie. You can buy it cheap or watch it at
    Fast forward through the first 10 minutes or so until you see part one.
    part one gives an alternative view on the origin of christianity
    part 2 I think was sept 11 etc
    part 3 central banks etc
    A bit scarey and thought provoking and I'm sure has some of its own biased "facts" but interesting non the less
    It gives a whole new perspective.
    Another interesting item, an interview on financial sense a few years back with a guy that wrote "confessions of an economic hitman"

    I think it's not a matter of right and wrong, more choosing a side. We are with the yanks
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