In relation to the bible, how is it that such an inaccurate...

  1. 217 Posts.
    In relation to the bible, how is it that such an inaccurate piece of literature can be in any way believed as fact, or some sort of historical representation of God and Jesus? For example, where in the bible does it make mention of the earth being billions of years old? Don't religious people believe it was created over a matter of days? Where is the mention of dinosaurs, which roamed the earth over 60 million years ago, when there were no humans in sight? Where does it mention the evolution of man, from a primitive, to what we are today? Wasn't there only two initially, Adam and Eve? The list can go on and on, hence the reason I place no importance on a work of fiction such as the bible. IMO the Lord of the Rings books make as much if not more sense, and make better reading as well lol.
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