KEY 0.00% 5.1¢ key petroleum limited

No one will finance a new plant based on management...

  1. 19,277 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 196
    No one will finance a new plant based on management 'confidence'.

    They have to have measured reserves, and I doubt anything has changed on that front as TE was buying recently and there has been no update to the market. Personally I would have been happier to see management buying in the 20's and not bottom fishing after leaving us hanging out for news for so long.

    I think they have been stalled for pipeline access in the short term.
    Regardless of whether they get pipeline access or not, a separate plant study is worth undertaking so all potential development paths are understood -> if <- a substantial gas discovery is proven or any future gas discovery is made.

    Presumably local pollies will need lobbying about the benefits to Tanz of a gas export project?

    Whatever. Cant see the SP going much lower from here. far out.
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