Chin, at least you are not singling out non-whites, because I...

  1. 44 Posts.
    Chin, at least you are not singling out non-whites, because I see you've included Russians in your list, and you're focusing on skills, education. But you assume the entire community of Lebanese all don't possess the things you talk about. Maybe it isn't a matter of selecting based on ethnicity, it's selecting based on skills and education. The racists can rest assured that this will still be biased because certain groups coming from poorer/volatile countries will still be disadvantaged.

    There is the other way people come in, i.e. bringing people in for humane reasons (e.g. the Vietnamese in the 70s) means a different process of selection, not based on skills, money etc. People think Australia's migration scheme is singular--they forget that business migrants have to meet different criteria from refugee and family schemes, i.e. they come in under a minimum points scheme that includes points awarded for education level, income etc.

    BTW tidbit: Lebanese were first 'allowed in' in the days of the White Australia policy because they wanted more 'whites'. They broadened the definition of 'white' to include southern Europeans, Lebanese, Greeks to make larger numbers! :)
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