In a blender, combine the mango pulp, pineapple juice, orange...

  1. 11 Posts.
    In a blender, combine the mango pulp, pineapple juice, orange juice, pomegranate juice, and lemon juice.Add sugar to the mixture, starting with 2 tablespoons, and blend until everything is well combined. Taste and adjust the sweetness if needed by adding more sugar.Fill a glass with crushed ice.Pour the fruity mixture over the ice, leaving some space at the top.Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint leaves and slices of fresh mango, pineapple, and orange if desired.Give it a gentle stir before drinking to mix the flavors.Serve your Frooti Di Tooti chilled and enjoy!Feel free to customize this recipe by adding other fruits or adjusting the sweetness and acidity to your liking and take a pic to send me on fm whatsapp. Enjoy your refreshing Frooti Di Tooti drink!
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