APT 0.00% $66.47 afterpay limited

Full Year Results Bail Out Before Release?, page-109

  1. 7,594 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 826
    Worry about it when it strikes.

    looking at retailers and consumer discretionary overall I am not seeing much weakness in the sector.

    Look at stocks like LOV, CCX, BWX, NBL, WOW all worth buying at the moment. Even MYR has bottomed out.

    Lowe will be decreasing rates for the rest of the year too which will help on the consumer/equities front.

    i honestly don't see much to worry about and the current correction in the broader equity market is nothing but a natural correction in the grand scheme on this mammoth bull market now entering its 10th year....

    China trade spat is a non issue that the journos are using to explain the market volatility cos they have nothing better to write about
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