However, predating Methuselah is Greek Prometheus (Before-Wine),...

  1. 1,062 Posts.
    However, predating Methuselah is Greek Prometheus (Before-Wine), whose greatest claim to fame was the theft of fire from the gods and the giving of it mankind.

    The issue of fire is interesting as the author of Genesis did not seem to understand that the sun is a sphere of fire situated at the centre of our solar system, but only that the sun is one of two great luminous bodies in the sky. Nor does the Hebrew Bible seem to have any idea how mankind obtained fire, unless it was one of the things invented by the Tubal Cain northerners. Indeed one could argue that because the author of Genesis did not understand that we live in a solar system - where our planet is a rotating sphere (and not a stationary flat disk) that orbits the sun, while the moon does not rotate as it orbits the earth - that the Jews could not have known God - certainly not as the creator of our world (let alone our universe) - nor could they have had two-way communication with the possessor of all knowledge, as surely God would have made ensured His so-called chosen had the right information - that the solar system had existed long before the Earth. So the author of Genesis would not have declared (and subsequent Biblical redactors/followers would not have maintained or perpetuated the falsity) that the Earth was made firstly before the sun, followed the next day by light/day, and several days later by the two great luminaries in the sky.

    This is what Shlo sgot-no-fungin-idea Mo and his puffed-up Jewish sidekick would have you and your children believe given half a chance and why we all should tell them to cease and desist with their brand of crap and instead go suck a fabulous fungus rather than their favourite flavour of fungus feces.

    Now compare what the Greeks knew about our world from the 7th century BCE, especially before they got the opportunity to translate the Hebrew Bible into Greek and to clarify numerous sections of Hebrew by inserting meaningful Greek words, especially those for fungi. By the 5th century BCE, Greek Leukippos (White-Horse) from Sicily had introduced atomic theory, and by the 3rd century BCE Greek Eratosthenes (Love-Strength) from Kurene had calculated the radius and other numerical properties of the Earth, including the distance of the earth from the sun. So even though the Jews have had plenty of opportunity to correct these (and many thousands of other) falsities in their Bible, they think it better for all of mankind to perpetuate the lies.

    To make matters worse are numerous historical claims maintained by the Jews. While the Jews must have smiled on the day that they learned that the Babylonians (ca.600 BCE) had destroyed the last of the Philistine cities, they could not have forseen that the descendants of the Philistines would return several centuries later under the leadership of Alexander the Great to expose many of the lies promulgated by the Jews, most even to this day. One of their biggest lies is that Jerusalem is a city of Solomon rather than the Greek name of a Philistine settlement/fortification, but whose origins may go back at least as far as a delightful summer retreat of the Minoan Hyksos based at Askalon.

    Since Jerusalem is a really a Greek (Archaic-Philistine-Mycenaean-Hyksos) city, why is Shlo sgot-no-fungin-idea Mo brown-nosing the Israelites. Following the debacle of the Beersheeba WWI victory centenary, Israelites need to be reminded that they owe us, not we them.

    So tell why does Israel have to be mentioned every day, often more than once, in Australian media, especially on ABC channels.

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