funny people indonesians, page-26

  1. 6,014 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 245
    Your confusing yourself Banjar!!!

    You wrote in your first post-

    "Australians again fought against Indonesians during Confrontation whilst assisting Malaya during operations along the Malay/Indonesian border in Borneo. Our troops found the Indonesians to be the best jungle fighters they had ever encountered."

    You then wrote in your 5th post in response to my question "How many other enemies did the SAS fight before fighting the Indos"-

    The SAS had it's origins during WW2 with the commandos with "Z" Force unit probably being one of the best known ones operating in SE Asia. SAS was formally formed in 1957 so technically you are right, they had limited experience as a unit. HOWEVER THEY ARE ONLY THE ELITE SELECTED FROM THE REGULAR ARMY CONCENTRATING ALL THE BEST SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE AND IN THOSE EARLY DAYS INCLUDED EXPERIENCE FROM WW2, KOREA and the Malayan Emergency, so individual members had CONSIDERABLE PREVIOUS FIGHTING EXPERIENCE.

    My point in saying that WW2 and Korea is irrelevant is in relation to you saying that the SAS said the Indonesions where the best jungle fighters they encountered.

    How can you say they are making a comparison to there experiences to WW2 when it was 20 yrs previous and very little chance that any of the SAS soilders in the MALAYAN EMERGENCY fought in that war??

    How can you say they are making a comparison to there experiences to the Korean war when there is no jungle in Korea??No jungle,no jungle warfare=means no jungle warfare experience!!

    I am not condradicting myself when referring to the WW2/Korean era Australian army skills at all thats your words,I'm questioning the jungle fighting experience of the SAS unit in Borneo-prior to Borneo.

    You also wrote-

    I hardly expect that any of the men that fought Rommel are still on active service but you would find that there were veterans from WW2 involved with the SAS in it's early days just as there are still Vietnam vets involved with the present army even though it is over 30 years since we withdrew from there.

    Yeah ok but we are talking 20yrs there may have been personel that where in WW2 but the likelyhood is in the MALAYAN EMERGENCY they where in non combat roles because we are talking about men that are 40+!

    You als wrote-

    "There is a greater chance of a war being fought on Indonesian soil by a western invader than being fought on Australian soil by an Indonesian invader. Australia would not be the aggressor but would get press-ganged in through our alliances"

    Great point but like I said before we are starting to get a little bit sidetracked here.

    My original point and I am going to try and be very clear here is if there was ever a confrontation with the Indonesions or anyone else for that matter on our own soil then they would have big problems because the Australian fighting unit has proved itself time and time again on foreign soil with obvious disadvantages.

    In reference to the above point-I am being purely hypothetical in saying if the Indonesions invaded,I am by no means saying they are aggressors!

    If you are still confused Banjar I can't do anything about that I have made myself clear here and in my previous posts.

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