Retired USMC Colonel Andy Milburn Surprisingly Tells Some Truth...

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    Retired USMC Colonel Andy Milburn Surprisingly Tells Some Truth About Ukraine

    Col. Andrew Milburn

    The following video is bizarre. Andrew Milburn is the leader of the Mozart Group, which is comprised of former U.S. military personnel who are providing rudimentary training to Ukrainians. I am shocked by what I see in this video. Milburn, at times, is juvenile. He demonstrates no knowledge whatsoever about the predicates that sparked Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine. And his commentary on Putin in particular and Russians in general is cartoonish and shallow.

    You want a contrast? Pull up any video of Doug MacGregor (Colonel US Army retired) and compare Doug’s presence, comportment and commentary with that offered by Milburn. Both men held the same rank, but I am certain you will come away with the conclusion that MacGregor is a true professional. Milburn? Lacking in good judgment at a minimum.

    I suspect that Milburn is in hot water with his financial backers as a result of his Whiskey fueled chat with the boys at the Team House because he says some truthful but damaging things about Ukraine. Maybe Andy secretly does not want to set foot again in Ukraine and did this podcast to make it impossible for him to return. Here are a few of his colorful, politically incorrect observations:

    Ukraine is a “corrupt, f*ed-up society” run by “f*ed-up people”

    Ukrainian soldiers “kill dudes who surrendered,” commit “atrocities”

    Earlier, Milburn, in an interview with Newsweek, said about the heavy losses of the Armed Forces and problems with the replenishment of troops. He noted that recruits are often sent to the front line without a proper level of training.

    I asked one of my dear friends, a patriot who left the Marine Corps as a Major, to watch and comment. He sent me the following:

    I couldn’t listen too long to the Sophomoric discourse. My hair hurt. Hard to believe Milburn is an O-6.

    The real shocker for me comes at the 1:42:30 mark when he starts talking about “Cannabis” and other drugs. Active duty Marines would face a court-martial for the conduct he describes. I look forward to your comments.

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