Rolandsays26 December 2022 at 22:36The list of additional...

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    26 December 2022 at 22:36

    The list of additional trouble against Russia is depleted. Taiwan, Iran and finally Kosovo. It doesn’t look as if this really helped the West. It just looks optically as if the West still can stir up revolts, but it will not be successful as the Arab spring Revolution in Egypt.

    When will the Russians have weakened the Ukraine so much that the killing will stop? Any ideas? Will it be soon?

    • Henry59says

      26 December 2022 at 23:13

      To answer the million dollar question”when will Russia”, Now before I get started, let me say this is my own take on Russia finally kicking Ukraines Arse, which should be when the ground finally freezes over and the tanks can roll in. Right now Putins forces are hammering the Electric/Water and other main stays that keep things going in Ukraine, he will keep hammering them until the ground is frozen and 90 percent of Ukraine , that isn’t occupied by Russia is weakened, then he will roll in the big armor and completely flatten the rest of the Ukrainian forces, then the ball will be in our illegitimate governments hands and lets hope and pray they don’t resort to the Nuclear option, anybodies guess on that, especially when these idiots are backed into a corner and the wheels are coming off the bus.

      • SteveMsays

        26 December 2022 at 23:49

        I honestly don’t see a reason for an offensive since Ukrainians need to throw as troops into fire to please western masters.

        Gets them out in the open instead of garrisoning in schools and hospitals in cities.

        Kill rates are about 10-1 and Ukrainian will run out of men way before Russian.

        Resolution helps West more. Trade, they need, can normalize.

        Honestly I bet Putin wishes this takes 10 years from a pure maths standpoint. EU will be back in caves. No men left of Ukraine and whole world will be leaning Eurasian.

        But human element consumes most. We wan action movement instant gratification. Even Russian TV.

        • Rolandsays

          27 December 2022 at 09:22

          I also don’t see an answer on the question of when. But I know that in life timing is important. Too late will not help. Too early may lead to failure also.
          So, we must speculate…

      • As the World Churnssays

        27 December 2022 at 18:07

        lets hope and pray they don’t resort to the Nuclear option, anybodies guess on that, especially when these idiots are backed into a corner and the wheels are coming off the bus.

        That’s the big hope and prayer for us all.

    • just sayingsays

      27 December 2022 at 08:52

      There is enoug potential in the Balkans for yet another World War.

    • Hummlsays

      27 December 2022 at 09:02

      Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s year-end interview with TASS news agency, December 27, 2022

      As for how long the conflict may last, the ball is in the court of the regime and Washington, which stands behind it. They can stop this meaningless resistance at any moment. The enemy is well aware of our proposals concerning demilitarisation and denazification of the territories controlled by the regime and elimination of threats to Russia’s security coming from these territories, including our new territories ‒ the DPR, LPR, and the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. There is not much left to be done. All they need to do is fulfil these proposals of their own volition. Otherwise, the issue will be resolved by the Russian Army.

    • Snowleopardsays

      27 December 2022 at 13:04

      Russia is hitting the smaller transformers that power the rail network among many other things. They could take out the entire Ukraine grid by hitting the larger transformers any time they choose and it would take fewer missiles to do so. The larger transformers are hard to source (ie. spares are few), they take significant time to manufacture, and are heavy and difficult to transport. So if/when they do this the ENTIRE Ukraine grid will be down for at least as long as they want it down.. I think the reason they haven’t done this is that would be difficult even for THEM to fix after a Ukraine surrender.

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