as far as interest rates i believe they will move up there will...

  1. 33 Posts.
    as far as interest rates i believe they will move up
    there will be another 2 jumps this year of a quarter 9% plus before 2007- rising to 12-14% in 2010

    i hope im wrong but this is what it looks like and would be glad to be wrong

    also i feel the war in the middle east may breakout in june
    and i feel sharon will start iran as a proxy for usa

    really what happens and how fast doesnt matter its where its going to be , i may be rubbing up a few people the wrong way ,but they should ask themselves why!!? . somtimes we pretend everythings fine. im not a pretender , this is my concern and as we know its a global concern , we are the sheep and the people in power are the shepards when its time to sheer the sheep they will when its time to slaughter them ,they will never see it comming, as a fox in the night,

    its strange if we open our eyes we see countrys with debts that have never been so high there income is bearly meeting the debts and still escalating , goverments are struggling to even lie as people can see that its not making sence, morality is out the door , depresion is rampant globally , the majority of our kids feel they dont have a future ,drugs , states are starting to feel the presure in australia, stockmarkets have taken alot of money from small investers, directers caught lying and accounting fraud, police curruption, sydney suburbs held hostage by the young , possible chain reaction through the states, all balanced on a razerblade with not much room to move, refresh this ,{all i need is 10 seconds and i will be happy}

    this is the count down if this dont go backwards then theres no chance things will calm down

    so we wake up tuesday mourn and say naaa impossible

    and we numb out ,,,,, sorry if i dont , theres dramas like days of our lives ,,, {this is the best show on earth}

    the cast

    george bush
    john howard
    tony blair

    and a special thanks to 6 billion participents that without them we couldnt make this happen

    in memory of : the people who died making this epic

    --------I DIDNT SEE IT COMMING WHY ME-------------

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